Who We Are
We are caring, ordinary everyday people committed to raising awareness of the impact domestic violence has on our society and helping its victims. Our focus is women, children and youth. We are a registered charity founded in 2001 by Jeremy’s caring family. Jeremy was just 3 years old when he died due to domestic violence. We are dedicated to making a positive difference to honour his memory.
The charity has grown significantly since 2001 to include an ever growing network of supporters. We are still 100% volunteer operated.
Learn more about our values by clicking on the link below:

Transition houses are temporary safe shelters and support to enable women to make decisions about their future. BC Housing lists 94 charities in BC that operate transition houses or safe homes. Some have multiple houses.
The Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment (P E A C E) Program is a free confidential program across BC for children and youth age 3 to 18 who have been exposed to violence in their relationships.

Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Canada (YPI) is an award winning school program that engages youth in local issues, charities and grant-making.
TRAP is a program developed in Richmond by CHIMO Community Services.